There was a lot of research required before i was able to create my final database. I needed to find out what it was, why is it useful and i needed to know how to use it. I needed to learn how to make tables, forms, queries and reports which we mainly learnt in class. However, i had to learn how to make a login page and menu on my own and this was the longest part of the whole database as i had to find what all the variables etc. were. I believe i should get 6/6 for this as i spent a long time learning everything and i had everything required included. I had one design for each table relevant to the database and same for the forms. I had in total 6 designs. My designs were sort of complicated and i believe that they should receive either 5 or 6/6 as they are quite good. For my plan, i created a gannt chart and explained it. I had a month for the whole project and everything is laid out on my blog. My plan was very complex and detailed which is why i believe i should get a 6/6. Lastly, for my create, i worked on the project for a long time as i had to research everything about the games and consoles example their publisher, creator etc. Another reason is because i made around 20 queries which were a lot. I also made forms and reports. I made a welcome page with a record lock, thus not allowing anyone to edit my database, as when they click enter, a login screen shows up. This does not allow any unauthorized access as i programmed it that way. This code took me a long time to create as i did not have any understanding for the variables etc. so i had to research. For my create, i definitely think its a 6/6 as it is highly detailed and is not accessible without correct username and passwords. I showed my database to Karan and he evaluated my work. He said that I could improve by adding a welcome page which is why i added one, and so i helped him make the login page and the menu as he gave me a good idea to improve my database.
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