Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Resources: Windows 7, flash player 7 and Microsoft office 2010/2013.
Here is a Gannt chart of my plan spread out till the end of November:

As shown in the  Gannt chart, I have colored each individual day for the tasks to show how many days I would need to finish those parts. For example dark blue covers 2 days in the beginning , showing that the design will take up to 2 days. In order for me to meet my deadline and the teacher’s deadline, I must follow this chart exactly.
A step by step plan of what I want to achieve:
·         Firstly, I need to make my designs for the tables and forms which will take me around two days
·         Then I will work on my plan for 3 days (this sheet)
·         The next few steps are going to be the most time consuming as it will be the creation of the database
·         Firstly I will create the tables for the suppliers and games etc. for 4 days
·         Following the tables, I will create the relationships and queries which would take me 8 days.
·         After this, I will work on my forms for another 4 days.
·         The last part of my creation will be the reports and I will only work for 3 days on it as it is not too complicated.

·         Finally I will make an final evaluation which will be located on a blog and will be on all the individual criterions and groups starting from A: Investigation all the way to F: Attitudes in Technology.

    My plan was a little off as it took me a lot longer to finish the database than i had anticipated, thus i got delayed however, the due date change helped me as i was still not done, thus i had to use the extra time to get it done and hand it in on time. The login page and menu took me the longest as they were the most complicated.

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